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Do you fish for bass in Eastern Ontario?

    If so, please consider filling out this survey for Dr Steven J. Cooke, Ph.D.Professor and Director, Canadian Centre for Evidence-Informed Conservation Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Your knowledge on the state of bass populations in key lakes/rivers and perspectives on bass management, supplement traditional fisheries sampling conducted by MNR. 

    Public Meeting – Rideau Lakes Campground Study – August 25

      The Township of Rideau Lakes has called a public meeting on Thursday August 25th to review the report on the future development of campgrounds. If density, development, water quality and the lake environment concern you, please review the Agenda package (available from the Township web site) and either attend the meeting or contact your councillor to make your opinions known. The future of our lake requires your input!

      RLEF Funds Research for Summer 2022

        Three Research Projects Funded The Rideau Lakes Environmental Foundation has again funded several research projects that will add to and enrich knowledge of our local environment. Our stewardship of natural resources depends on developing knowledge of how ecosystems function. Your support of the RLEF enables us to ensure we include our unique environment in ongoing research. At the Fisheries Conservation Foundation, work will continue to understand the impact of reduced fishing during the years of COVID-19 travel restrictions on the… Read More »RLEF Funds Research for Summer 2022

        Cover of Issues and Options Report

        Feedback wanted: TRL Campground Land Use Study

          Temporary campsite or mobile home park? Changing land use patterns in what were once transient campgrounds pose challenges for the lake environment. Following an interim control by-law passed last year, the Township of Rideau Lakes has begun a study to examine the adequacy of current policies and regulations. An Issues and Options Report has been drafted, and feedback on its content is being solicited. You can send responses to A Zoom Virtual Public Open House is being held Thursday… Read More »Feedback wanted: TRL Campground Land Use Study

          Screenshot of article from The Star.

          Algae a threat to Rideau Lakes Health

            BRLA and URLA urge action on storm runoff The presidents of the Big Rideau Lake Association and the Upper Rideau Lake Association together addressed the Township of Rideau Lakes Municipal Services Committee about the critical question of limiting run-off into the lakes. (See the article in the Star.) Nutriets and pollutants are entering our lakes, feeding algae blooms. Toxic blue green algae was found in both Upper Rideau Lake and Bass lake last year. BRLA and URLA are urging the… Read More »Algae a threat to Rideau Lakes Health

            2022 Research Projects in Review

              Understanding the lake is key to looking after it. So the RLEF has once again launched a Call for Participation for research exploring the environment of our lakes. Proposals are in, and the RLEF Board is now conducting their review. As they read, Board Members are assessing each proposal to ensure that it’s relevant, significant, feasible, and timely. We are looking for project teams that are qualified and connected to our local issues. Past researchers have been able to leverage… Read More »2022 Research Projects in Review

              Giving Shares is Tax Efficient

                Reduce Tax-Liability with a Donation to a Canadian Charity If your portfolio has done well this year, you might want to consider donating shares directly to your favourite charity. A securities donation is much more tax-effective than a sale, and subsequent cash donation. You can receive a tax receipt for the full market value of your shares, and thanks to a special rule, pay no capital gains tax on the increased value of shares you transfer. The process is outlined… Read More »Giving Shares is Tax Efficient