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Our Work

RLEF provides modest grants to support activities that further our mission. We also monitor the regulatory environment and intervene where necessary.

Action Fund

RLEF maintains an fund to ensure that we are ready to take action. When there is a threat to our lake environment, we want to be able to respond.

Water Quality and Lake Health

Maintaining a natural shoreline helps protect and preserve water quality and preserve our lakes’ environment.

Taking Samples on Upper Rideau Lake, Summer 2021


RLEF supports research to build our understanding
of the lake we share.

Water Safety

RLEF supports the placement of private hazard
markers throughout the lakes.

RLEF Grants

Do you have a project we might be interested in?

We would love to hear from you.

We need your help to do our work.

Your donation enables the Rideau Lakes Environmental Foundation
to continue to protect and preserve the lakes we all love.

Please give generously.