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Public Meeting – Rideau Lakes Campground Study – August 25

    The Township of Rideau Lakes has called a public meeting on Thursday August 25th to review the report on the future development of campgrounds. If density, development, water quality and the lake environment concern you, please review the Agenda package (available from the Township web site) and either attend the meeting or contact your councillor to make your opinions known. The future of our lake requires your input!

    URLA Shrub and Tree Program Continues

      URLA Shrub and Tree Program Continues The Upper Rideau Lake Association (URLA) is pleased to announce the continuation of the tree program in 2022 to support improved lake water quality and our shoreline environment. Thanks to the continued support from the Rideau Lakes Environmental Fund (RLEF) and the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA), URLA members can purchase bare-root shrubs and bare root trees for approximately 25% of wholesale cost. One- and two-Gallon Potted Trees & Shrubs are available to URLA… Read More »URLA Shrub and Tree Program Continues

      Support the RLEF in 2021

        Letter to Lake Residents To BRLA Members and other Friends of the Rideau Lakes: I am writing on behalf of the Rideau Lakes Environmental Foundation (RLEF), to ask for your help. Since 1991, our small non-profit foundation has worked alongside BRLA and other local lake associations to focus on protecting, improving and enhancing the Rideau Lakes. Below are three critical areas we need to fund. Water Quality Research As part of our environmental mandate, RLEF has been funding scientific research… Read More »Support the RLEF in 2021

        URLA Shoreline Restoration Program Funded

          Maintaining a natural shoreline helps protect and preserve water quality and preserve our lakes’ environment. The Upper Rideau Lake Association (URLA) has a long-standing partnership with a local supplier of native plants. RLEF funding has enabled them to provide materials to further the naturalization of the shoreline of Upper Rideau Lake. At its October 2021 meeting, the RLEF Board voted to continue this funding through 2022.