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Public Meeting – Rideau Lakes Campground Study – August 25

    The Township of Rideau Lakes has called a public meeting on Thursday August 25th to review the report on the future development of campgrounds. If density, development, water quality and the lake environment concern you, please review the Agenda package (available from the Township web site) and either attend the meeting or contact your councillor to make your opinions known. The future of our lake requires your input!

    Cover of Issues and Options Report

    Feedback wanted: TRL Campground Land Use Study

      Temporary campsite or mobile home park? Changing land use patterns in what were once transient campgrounds pose challenges for the lake environment. Following an interim control by-law passed last year, the Township of Rideau Lakes has begun a study to examine the adequacy of current policies and regulations. An Issues and Options Report has been drafted, and feedback on its content is being solicited. You can send responses to A Zoom Virtual Public Open House is being held Thursday… Read More »Feedback wanted: TRL Campground Land Use Study