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October 2021

RLEF announces 2022 Grant Program

    Rideau Lakes Environmental Foundation (RLEF) Call for Proposals. Small Grants for Scientific Research on and around the Rideau Lakes To develop our understanding of the science that underpins our environmental activities, the Rideau Lakes Environmental Foundation (RLEF) sponsors a new program of small grants to support research projects.  We are interested in receiving proposals from scientific researchers working in any discipline that contributes to our knowledge of the flora, fauna, or environment of the Rideau Lakes. Awards can be used… Read More »RLEF announces 2022 Grant Program

    URLA Shoreline Restoration Program Funded

      Maintaining a natural shoreline helps protect and preserve water quality and preserve our lakes’ environment. The Upper Rideau Lake Association (URLA) has a long-standing partnership with a local supplier of native plants. RLEF funding has enabled them to provide materials to further the naturalization of the shoreline of Upper Rideau Lake. At its October 2021 meeting, the RLEF Board voted to continue this funding through 2022.